Sexy Girls In Japan Can Come in Pairs and be Sexy Sisters
Today's talk is about how big is the influence of movies over people brains, sometimes getting to the point to brainwash people minds. If you ask people about a movie they saw on last 10 years about Japan they will probably say KILL BILL, Last Samurai, Ninja warrior or something like that. Yeah for sure it's a part of the Japanese Culture, but at generally so distorted that people begin to love it (so cool) even not knowing the real history about the Japanese weapons. At the same time some young Japaneses love Americans Gangster movies and all that violent stuff that comes with the movies, guns, drugs, the way gangsters wear, walk or talk, etc we also have lots of Japaneses trying to rap or be a gangster (only on the fashion way) in Japan, LOL.
Here in Japan we still have air guns, small kids and guys with more than 30 years old playing with plastic air guns, because they think that guns are cool. Some are not satisfied with the power of their little plastic air guns and ask for "professionals" to tune up their guns at the point of making holes on beer cans or more rigid materials just for your info it is out of the Japanese laws, you can get a 3 years prison for moding a plastic air gun.
In other parts of the world I saw that lots of people have a big obsession to have their own Japanese Sword (katana) some asking how bring those swords to their countries etc. Yes you can buy a Japanese sword in Japan (it's very expensive) but without the polished blade I mean they will sell you a type of souvenir without any cut power and you probably will not pass with it in the airport. If you will live forever in Japan you can buy a sword but you need registrate it on the Departament of the police and you have to pass a lot of criteria to get the license to buy it first.
The fiction put inside the movies brain wash people minds and make them think like weapons (violence) are the coolest thing in this world, come on people can't you see what is happening in this world? Movies are just movies 99 percent fiction, so don't believe in all you see in movies, even Japaneses can't have their own swords and gangsters are not cool as they look in the movies, people die because weapons no matter if it's a Japanese sword or a gangster gun.
Samurai's may look cool on the movies, but in their age they use to nail people with their swords by the back sticking it on their enemies and sometimes ordinary people (kids or womens) without any previous contact or conversation, for sure a movie like this will not sell, it was really cruel and a coward way to kill people, the same way gangster may look cool on their gold chains and "ices" but most use to sell drugs on the streets and in their young ages they have killed lots of people for few dollars and sometimes just to protect their area.

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